There’s a talented art team at work and the French flair for light is abundant in the deep gold that pervades most aspects of the game’s atmosphere. The presentation of the game is mixed, and, unfortunately, is possibly the weakest aspect of the game. Things are not what they seem however, and as Jensen returns to his job after six months readjusting to life as a cyborg, he investigates the attack, uncovering a conspiracy that will take him to the seedy backstreets of Detroit, the two-tiered city of Hengsha in China, Montreal and even Singapore. His life is brutally changed when an attack on his employer, Sarif Industries, leaves him a heavily augmented cyborg, while his ex-girlfriend-a promising researcher on the verge of a major breakthrough-is purportedly dead.

Set in the year 2027, 25 years before the original game, the story looks at corporate security man Adam Jensen. Deus Ex: Human Revolution is, chronologically speaking, a prequel to the previous games.